预定(膳食,地方等);适应,与…有密切关系;允诺,签约保证;(运动员或击剑手)使(兵器)交结在一起;占用get engaged 订婚engagement / ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt /n.婚约,订婚;约会,约定;交战,战斗;演出任务;聘用,雇用;参加,从事;(与……的)密切关系,(对……的)了解;啮合;(与…的)密切关系,(对…的)了解April 29 2022.Today repeat yesterday. It's almost the same under the coronavirus pandemicI had a dream yesterday. I always have the same type dreams in different situations. And I always sleep soundly. I will have many dreams if I slept too much time. I hardly dream in most of my situations. I dreamed a classmate of mine yesterday( I dreamed about one of my classmates yesterday). I always dreamed about the same classmates, always those people. It means I can't forget them.And I will meet them in the future. And I always dream about the exam too.Why were the exams because of the university.college [ˈkɒlɪdʒ] n. 大学,专科学校;学院,分院;公学;学会,社团;学院的全体师生university [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti] n. 大学,综合性大学;大学校舍April 30 2022.It's the last day of April. There are a lot of clouds in the sky. So today's weather is not very sunny. The temperature is a little cold today. It's not the cold like winter(It's not as cold as winter@). So in spite of this, It's a mild climate in fact.Although the climate is mild, my heart is very cold. My friend didn't pay those money back to me today. He always had different reasons. It's easy to lend money but it's hard to get back them.as...as… 像……一样,同……一样May 1 2022.Today is a big holiday in our country. There are three days holiday in May one usual. And then add up two days with"""" the weekend. There are five days holiday in total.But I have to travel around the room on May one holiday this year.There are two things are pleased@. My younger cousin was get engaged. The other one is one of my younger cousin attended@ university of Fudan.In the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those before@@.attend [əˈtend] v. 随同,陪同;经常去,定期去(学校、教堂等);伴随……而至,(作为结果)伴随;出席,参加;注意,专心;处理,照料;致力于In the Changjiang River the waves behind drive on those beforeMay 2 2022.Today repeat yesterday. I feel I didn't make progress at all. Every day's nucleic acid in our housing estate. Now the new coronavirus patients were less than before. There are about eight thousands new coronavirus patients now. And there were over twenty thousands new coronavirus patients several days ago. We must believe our government of Chinese(We must trust the Chinese government).There is a bag of wheat flour out of my room. It's the free food from government. It's about one kilo. And it was over there for several days. My neighbor didn't take away it. So I took it at last. I made some biscuits with the wheat flour. It's luckily, because there are some sugar in my room. Wheat flour, sugar, water and oil wers the material@ of biscuit.In fact, anybody all were lazy in the world. So there are so many articles@ of mechanic serve@ for us.progress [ˈprəʊɡres] n. 进步,进展;前进,行进;(社会的)进步 v. 进步,进展;使(任务,事业)取得持续进展;(时间)推移,流逝;缓慢行进;(占星)计算行星(或星象图各星及坐标)的位置flour纠错 [ˈflaʊə(r)] n. 面粉,(谷物磨成的)粉v. 在……上撒面粉;<美>把(谷物)磨成粉wheat“为” white“外”serve severalMay 3, 2022.Some planets growed very well in my room. There was only a little small green bud in stick about one of my plants ten days ago. And now the small green bud has becoming a ten centimeters of sticks and leafs.(银杏和仙人球) The other plant had become bigger and greener.Spring has coming and the summer will come tomorrow.Everything is interesting in the world. I believe the life will become better and better.My younger cousin got engaged several days ago. I heard my mother said her old brother had drink so much and so late on that day. And my aunt got angry. The result was my cousin's phone had broken at last… We are not childish. We must control our emotions.bud [bʌd] n. 芽,花蕾;美非正式>伙计,老兄;芽体v. 发芽,长出花蕾;为……进行芽接centimeter [ˈsentɪmiːtə(r)] n. [计量] 厘米;[计量] 公分emotion [ɪˈmoʊʃn] n. 情感,情绪;激情,强烈的情感 复数 emotionsMay 4 2022.Today is the last spring before the year of two thousand and twenty three. The plants are growing, the flowers are blooming, the bird are singing…I had done something exercises about my body every two days. Ten years ago I was young and strong. Yes,exactly,strong. But five years ago I was fat and look old. Do some exercises is very good for our health of body.Ten years ago, I not only young but also skinny. And five years ago, I not only look old but also fat. My weight@ was sixty-one kilos ten years ago. But it become seventy-five kilos five years ago. And my height@ is one hundred and seventy-two centimeters.One hundred and seventy-two is neither too tall"""" nor too short. It was full of lean meat in my stomach ten years ago. So it looks strong.But it was full of fat meat in my stomach five years ago. And it looks ugly. So I must change it.I will think of some way to get them back. After all, tomorrow is another day!(乱世佳人end)(weight)height [haɪt] n. 身高;高;高度;高处,高地;极佳状况;极端例子May Five, 2022These days, the day and night was upside down for me. My mood is bad these days. I must control myself. I must have(form@) a good habit.My aunt( My father's younger sister) called me in the afternoon. It's told about the coronavirus pandemic. The most important thing is keep our body health during the pandemic. The one of things is about myself. I still single. I don't want to talk about it here now.form [fɔːm] v. (使)出现;(使)(关系、习惯或想法)形成;构成,是……的组成部分;陶冶,培养;组织,建立n. 表,表格;类别,种类;形状,外形;体形;(存在的)形态,形式;(尤指艺术作品或文章的)结构;体能,良好的健康状态;良好表现;词形;惯常做法,习俗;May seven 2022.I feel it was sick about my mood. It has been ill"""" for several days. I am a painter. But I am also a doctor of treat my own private@. I must treat@ my own mood.I telephoned to home in the night. My mom received the phone. She said her third younger sister told her that tomorrow is Mother's Day. My mother's third younger sister is one of my favorite aunt.SHESENT the money to my mom. And my mom will buy pig stomach for my grandmother with that money. There are four younger sister and one younger brother about my mom. I feel my mom is the best daughter for my grandmother. A my 3rd aunt maybe is the second. My mother and her younger sister treat my grandmother all very well.(are very kind to my grandmother@). But my mother's younger brother didn't. He borrowed much money from other person and never pay them back. My grandmother is lucky because of her daughters. My grandmother is unlucky because of her son.treatv. 对待,看待;治疗,医治;请客,招待;(利用化学物质或反应)处理,保护;把……看作,把……视为;处理,探讨,论述private ˈpraɪvətn.(美、英陆军或美海军陆战队)二等兵;adj.私有的,自用的;(服务,行业)私营的,民营的;没有股票上市的;私下的,秘密的;(交易未涉及商业机构的)私下里的;(想法、感觉)私密的;(尤指两人)单独的;私下辅导的;(教育,医疗)私立的;只有自己人明白的May eight 2022.Today is the Mother's Day in the world. There are many different displays@ in my wechat moments about each people.My mon said she bought a pig stomach and some pig meat to her mother's home in the morning. My grandmother didn't at home that time. My grandma had already gone out to pick the tea's new leafs in the hill. My grandmother is a hardworking woman. My grandmother is 20 years older than my mother. And my mother is 20 years older than me. There is nearly half a year to pick the tea leaves in the hill in one year about my grandmother. My grandmother is a tough woman.Blessing all the mothers in the world.displayv. 展示,陈列;显露,表现;(计算机)显示;(为求偶)作炫耀行为n. 展览,陈列;表演;(计算机屏幕上的)显示,显示器;流露,表现;炫耀行为hardworkingadj. 努力工作的;不辞辛劳的,苦干的May 6 2022.One of the plants was dead in my room. It had grown new leaves several months ago. And it became weak about three weeks ago. I moved the plant to another place. There is much sunshine in there. And it soon dead as soon as I moved it over there. Doesn't it suit sunshine? I don't know the reason either.Luckily, there are enough another plant and earth in my room.Instead of it, I planted another plant in the vase.No pains, no gains. I nearly didn't get any harvest over half a month. Because of my bad mood, because of my lazy.earth [ɜːθ]n. 地球,世界;陆地,地面;泥土,土壤No pains,no gains,一分耕耘,一分收获painn. 疼痛,伤痛;苦恼,悲痛;<非正式>讨厌的人(或事)(=pain in the neck);努力,苦心(pains) v. <正式>使痛苦,使苦恼;<正式>使疼痛;<美>(身体某一部分)感到疼痛gain n. 增加;好处,改进;收益v. 获得,赢得;受益;增加,增长;(经过努力)到达;(钟表)走快;持球前进,推进(一段距离) harvestn. 收获;收获量,捕获量;成果,收获v. 收割,收获;采集,搜集;收采(人的器官、细胞等)May night 2022.During the coronavirus pandemic, I do some exercises every two days in my room. I am very sure my lifestyle will be change in the futur. I have done about three hundred push-ups each two days. I'm becoming stronger and stronger. It's well to my health through the regular sport.I am having practice hunker these days. Does it belong one of the yoga?practice [ˈpræktɪs] n. 实践,实际操作;通常的做法,惯例;练习;练习课,固定的训练时间;(医生、律师或其他专业人士的)业务,事务所;诉讼手续,诉讼程序v. 练习;经常做,养成……的习惯;信奉(宗教);(医生、律师等)执业,从业hunker [ˈhʌŋkə(r)] vi. 蹲下,盘坐 n. 守旧者lifestyle n.生活方式 保健的push-up 隆胸的;俯卧撑.n.可数medicine药物,药剂;医疗,医学;内科meditation / ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn /n.冥想,打坐;沉思,深思;(关于某主题的)感想,沉思录May 10 2022.It have been better and better about the coronavirus pandemic in Shanghai.It have been many days no new coronavirus patient in our housing estate.I am beginning control my lifestyle. It's very good about regular lifestyle for our health, no matter our body or heart(Both in our bodies and our minds).May 11, 2022.I think several days later will become the end of coronavirus pandemic in Shanghai(I think in a few days the coronavirus pandemic in Shanghai will be over). There were twenty thousand new coronavirus pandemic patients every day in Shang hai 20 days ago. And today it's only less ten percent. The government, all the people will be win at last.Shanghai doesn't have done well in this coronavirus pandemic. Our country push the power of every provinces to help Shanghai.Shanghai just managed@ it through in the end.Now one of the other district is very bad about pandemic in our country. The district is the province of Taiwan. There are over fifty thousand new coronavirus patients every day in the province of Taiwan. It's a special district to our country about the province of Taiwan.Shanghai is bad in this pandemic. And I think Taiwan will be worse. Of course, it's none of my business. But I still hope Taiwan will soon turn better.May 12 2022.A regular life is important to anyone. It will more easy to succee if we have a good lifestyle.There is over two months about the heavy coronavirus pandemic in Shanghai. Everybody all at home in each housing estate except the doctor and the worker for the pandemic. Over two months, it's a very long time to anybody. The time is longer than students summer holiday. And my mood sometimes quiet sometime happy sometime upset sometime nervous... It's a very important lesson about how to protect our mood.May 13 2022.Everybody all were lazy. That's why there are so many mechanics or computers. There will be many robots in the future.A giant in thought, a giant in action.ARE YOU?!!mechanical / məˈkænɪkl /adj.机械(方面)的;机械般的,呆板的;精通机械的,机械学的,力学的;独家灌录权的n.技工,机修工;劳工,工匠mechanic / məˈkænɪk n.机械工,机修工;<旧>劳工,工匠;方法,手段 adj.手工的machine məˈʃiːn /n.机器,机械(装置);计算机,电脑;(组织的)核心机构,领导核心;车辆(常指摩托车);效率高的人(或动物);机械般工作的人;(投币式)自动售货机v.用机器制造(加工;机器缝制.用缝纫机缝robot / ˈrəʊbɒt /n.机器人giant / ˈdʒaɪənt /n.(传说中的)巨人;高大健壮的人;巨兽,巨型植物;大公司,大国;卓越人物,伟人;(天文)巨星adj.巨大的,伟大的action / ˈækʃ(ə)n /n.行动;行为;战斗;诉讼;<非正式>令人激动的事;动作;情节;惊险刺激的活动(或事件);作用;开始(电影导演开拍的指令);赚钱的机会;性交;运转方式v.处理adj.动作(片)的,动作片中的May 14, 2022.Today I want to talk about my relative.There are many relatives in our big family.My hometown's location is in the south of the province of Fujian. Our traditional is at least must have one son in every family...There are eight brothers about my father's father. There are fourteen male cousins about my father. There are about twenty mail cousins about myself. Except my father's cousin is the count of female more than male(Except that my father had more female Cousins than male Cousins). About the “son” is a deep thought in those district of our province.May 15 2022.Your lifestyle decide your future. To develop a perfect lifestyle is a choice in everyone's whole life.Sometimes a kid's thought is more better than a mature person. My lifestyle has changed since I came Shanghai. I have learnet cook. I never cook or I only cook hot water before. I drink beer and hot tea before. And now I learn to drink tea and try to less drink beer.I am going to make some new friend and they are not only drink beer but also tea.Baijiu is our culture,but tea also our culture.develop / dɪˈveləp /v.(使)成长,发育,发展;逐渐形成,逐渐养成;开发,研制;出现,产生;修建,开发土地;提高,加强;患病;阐释,展开;冲洗,使底片显影;(修改旋律、和声或节奏以)展开(音乐主题);(棋)出子mature / məˈtʃʊr;adj.成熟的,理智的;成年的,发育完全的;发酵成熟的,酿成的;中老年的;技艺精湛的,技巧娴熟的;审慎考虑的,深思熟虑的;到期(应该支付)的;(某些食品或饮料)可立即食用的;(经济,行业,市场)成熟的,发展余地不大的v.(使)成熟,(使)长成;变理智,(举止)变成熟;酿成,制成;到期May 16 2022.The time flies. Sometimes I look the sun rise or set from the window. The time of date and night are equal in spring. Now it's already summer and the day is longer the night is shorter. Time like sand, you hold it with your fingers, but you can't catch it all.It has already over two months since the heavy coronavirus pandemic in Shanghai. Time flies,what's your harvest?May seventeen 2022.I have a plan to read more books in the future. I readed or listened many different kinds of books seven years ago when I was in hometown. Such as the book of history, people, myth, animal or car and so on. It didn't regular about I read books in 2015 to 2010.Every type of book I would read it just only I like it(I will read every kind of book as long as I like). I read the books of our teacher point when I was in school. And now I am going to read some books about my work.Read more books will make us more mature as long as the books are good.May 18, 2022.I bought some meat of duck and some beer baijiu coke and so on today. They were still expensive. The price is the double or three time as usual.I also drink sometimes.Baijiu also is our culture. It's good to our health as long as we don't drink too much. I think the beer or wine or baijiu taste so bad. The juice of fruit taste far more better than them.But they are smell good.The feel is good about drink small amount of beer. But can't drink too much. Everything is bad as long as you done too much with you can stand.May 19 2022.,( disappeared: repeat stick…something wong ,so...)May 20 2022.Today is a special day. Why? To me it has two reasons. One of is the five two zero are special figure with Chinese. The other reason is it have just two year time since I come Shanghai(Another reason is that I have just been in Shanghai for two years).Now it's in the end of the coronavirus pandemic of Shanghai(Now the COVID-19 epidemic in Shanghai is coming to an end). We will welcome love and beauty with them after them.May 21 2022.I like feed animals. I feeded many times dogs and cats when I was kid.I feeded a cat when I was about 11 years old. It's a white and black male cat. I like it. It's very cute. It catch many mouses. It nearly catch one mouse a day. I thought it sometimes understand what I talk about. If I want to see it, I shout its name and it immediate come to my location. I read it about four years. We move to another place and it is lost in the end. I often go to see it after we moved. It still in there everytime I go to see it. I can't find it at the last time. I'm very sad and my eyes is full of tears. My eyes is red when I go to school. I still remember one of my best friend ask me why my eyes is red when I go to school...I feed many dogs,male or female. I also feeded birds, fish and so on. I catch the bird or fish. I catch the bird or fish in the wild. I climb the tree or go to stream catch them. It's my childhood@.childhood [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] n. 童年,幼年时代hood [hʊd] n. (衣服上的)兜帽,风帽;头巾,面罩;(设备或机器的)防护罩,罩;汽车发动机罩;(炉灶上方的)排风罩,抽油烟罩;(汽车、婴儿车等)可折叠车篷;<美,非正式>恶棍,暴徒;<美,非正式>社区,街区May 23 2022.I often watching the fine view through the window these time. I am living the twenty-threeth floor in the build of our housing estate. I often watching the beautiful setting sun. The sunset is so beautiful sometimes.There are so many beautiful different shapes of clouds sometimes. There are less car in the load because of coronavirus pandemic. The most of lights up slowly after the sun set. It's bright because of the sun in the day. It's bright because of the lights in the night. But it's dark in our heart window these time. There are so many countries are dark in the world these time. Because of war because of coronavirus pandemic.I like peace. I often watch the pigeons through window.The pigeons fly in the sky.I take a picture if the view is beautiful.fine view 美景 view 观点,景色the setting sun 落日;夕阳西下sunset n. 日落,傍晚;晚霞,落日余晖"/>


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